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About The Assayer

Welcome to The Assayer, a catalog of books that have been made free by their authors. The site has been running since 2001 (wayback machine). It’s open source.

The freedom icon

When you see the icon free to read, modify, and sell, it means that the book’s author has made it free to read, modify, and sell, using a license such as Wikipedia’s. Books without the icon have been intentionally made free to read by their authors, but are not part of the free-information ecosystem.

Helping out or suggesting a book

Often a book just moves to a new web site, or a web site gets reorganized, and you can find the new location in a search engine. If so, please email me to let me know. Thanks!

If a book’s URL still exists but it’s now behind a paywall, please let me know, and I’ll delete it.

It doesn’t help me much if you just let me know that a URL is broken but you don’t know of a replacement URL. I have an automated setup for dealing with that kind of thing.

Suggesting a book

If you know of a book that you’d like me to include, please email me. My catalog has generally been heavy on math and science books, but any fiction or nonfiction topic is OK.

Yes, please do suggest books that meet these criteria:

I don’t include the following:

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